Wow! What a milestone for Monday Moments.
It's been almost two years in the making. The very first Monday Moment was posted on January 12, 2009. It was just an idea I had; something I did as a writer. I didn't know if anyone else would find them useful. I didn't know if I'd continue posting them. Or for how long. But it seems Monday after Monday I found some personal experience in my life that could possibly relate to your characters.
So...for #100 I thought one of you wonderful Monday Moment readers should get a CUPPA! (Details below.)
Getting to 100 (of anything) takes a bit of waiting, patience, and perseverance. A whole lot of what we do as writers, no?
I also did quite a bit of waiting yesterday. I was crazy enough to think the Santa line at the mall wouldn't be a mile and a half long on the Sunday before Christmas! I'm sure you're all thinking, DUH! OF COURSE IT WAS THAT LONG!!!
So I put on my patience pants and waited in the line as my girlies wandered around the mall with their grandma and papa. I also felt the need to be the one waiting since I think the picture was for my own good and not theirs. They're now 8 and 10 and just hitting that age where...well, you know.
How'd I make it though that long line without crumbling like a tasty Christmas cookie? I tweeted about about my people-watching experience while I waited. People watching in the Santa line is quite fun.
Here's my tweets:
For my own entertainment I will tweet from the Sunday before Christmas Santa line. #santaphotos
Little girl: Santa, please bring my mom a skirt long enough to cover her cheeks. #santaphotos
I'm fairly certain those two little guys just asked for spray paint for their future graffiti masterpieces. #santaphotos
Sibling fight is breaking out behind me. Mom may ask for a new set of marbles. #santaphotos
Young girl just swiped extra candy canes from Santa's basket. I hope this doesn't jeopardize her list standing. #santaphotos
Here comes the classic clinging to mom's neck, do not make me go near that guy experience. #santaphotos
This might be the last time my girls do this. I think this year they are taking the photo for me. http://plixi.com/p/64041579 #santaphotos
Al. Most. There. #santaphotos
Little tiny people are so stinking precious. (But my big ones can take themselves to the bathroom.) #santaphotos
Two year old: *stares at ground* When will this be over. I will NOT smile. #santaphotos
Two year old trying so hard to smile he can't keep his eyes open. #santaphotos
Success! http://plixi.com/p/64047163 #santaphotos
I had to sneak a shot with Santa too. http://plixi.com/p/64048098 Whispers: Do the elves make MacBook pros? #santaphotos
What has your character had to wait for? Did they have patience and persevere?
And in honor of this 100 Moment milestone, I would love to thank all of you who visit Cuppa Jolie and read Monday Moments. I know you don't always comment, but I know you are out there, reading. And, I know you all have been in the same WAITING-PATIENCE-PERSEVERANCE boat when it comes to writing. I would love to hear from you in the comments, whether you've read Monday Moments 1 or 100 times.
So here's the deal. From now until Monday, January 3, leave a comment about a time you have had to wait (requiring patience and perseverance) whether it relates to writing or not. For all those who comment, I will put your name in a drawing for a CUPPA (a good cup coffee or other drink of choice) at your favorite spot.
(Monday Moments will take a holiday on December 27.)