In the interview I mention learning about the importance of commenting from Mother Reader (plus lots more). So how appropriate that this morning I read a post that lead me to Mother Read and Lee Wind who have issued a new challenge--oh, I love a challenge--The Comment Challenge: 21 Days to Community. Love it! I'm playing. You should go check it out, after you read my interview at Alice's CWIM blog, and then COMMENT (here and there).
(And if you're interested, go HERE to read my previous post A Comment About Comment.)
Congratulations on being featured at Alice's CWIM! I'm trying to work on that comment challenge myself. (I was at the Portland Kidlit conference--sorry we didn't get to meet in person).
Cool challenge and congrats on being featured on Alice's CWIM.
I don't know about 5 comments a day though. That's alot. Maybe just one. Or maybe just some. I usually shyly lurk. I'll just leave some.
I've been enjoying your blog, Jolie.
Congrats. How cool is that.
I'm going for five comments a day too. You're number 4.
I like your blog and will be back again.
Congrats on the Blog of the Week! Woohoo!
And I was going to comment anyway. ;~)
Congratulations! I know from my own experience that making comments on other's blogs will often lead to more visitors to your site, but you will be very lucky if 1 in 5 take the time to comment. However, good luck to one and all. Maybe I have visited and commented on all the wrong sites. Still, I applaud the idea. There must be a goldmine of people out there somewhere. Just got to find the right vein.
Hey...in honor of my first visit to your blog, I'll comment about commenting! Personally, I rarely comment because I think that someone will trace it back to my blog. When they get there, they'll ask, "what the hell IS this?!" I have too many irons in the fire or something. Kind of crafty, a bit of writing nonsense, and a few pieces about the plight of the SAHM. Frankly, I hate reading about other stay at home moms. Why would someone want to read MY stuff? Oh well. I like to blog just to "get it out" of my system.
Oh yeah...and I also have this fear that somehow a comment will appear on a blog that my mom reads and she'll find out that I'm spending way too much time on the computer. I'll be 39 this month and I don't want my mommy knowing what I'm up to. Yipes!
So that's my comment about commenting. :)
Thanks, everyone! I love seeing the faces (and voices) I know here at Cuppa Jolie and meeting some new ones, too!
Fun blog. I like it. I clicked over to Alice's CWIM and read the feature with you in it.
I too am doing the comment challenge thing and I am new to book blogging so this has been a great experience for me.
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