I need to have strong beginning pages and an outline prepared for my WIP--work I’ve yet to share with anyone. Eek!

But look how far back in line we were. You should have seen how many people were behind us. (And yes, I know I look tired, because I totally was. It was a long weekend and very early in the morning.)
When the doors finally opened we got ourselves some great seats and we waited. The energy in the room was wonderful and by the time the announcements began, people were sitting on the floor.

Here I am, sitting with Meg Lippert and Sara Easterly. Later, Laura Kvasnosky slipped in and sat with us, too.
The announcements began and it was great fun to hear the room explode in cheer for the books people loved. But it became most exciting for us as the Theodor Suess Geisel Beginning Reader Award was announced and it went to Laura Kvasnosky's Zelda and Ivy: The Runaways, and she was sitting right there with us. Yahoo! Then...THEN we got to scream and whoop for Kirby Larson when Hattie Big Sky received a Newbery Honor. YES!
Here's a group of us later, gathered around Kirby, so happy to celebrate with her.
Then, immediately after, Laura was at the SCBWI booth, being interviewed and surrounded by people who were thrilled for her.
A wonderful weekend that I'm so happy I was able to be part of.
Tomorrow, others will get to experience the same in Denver, CO. The cool thing for those of us who aren't in Denver, we have the opportunity to sort-of be there. There will be a webcast starting tomorrow morning at 6:45 a.m. (pacific time) HERE. I know I'll be watching.
Ahhhh... the memories! Thanks for bringing me back. Now get back to work!
So curious who the winners will be! Usually I haven't read any of the books, but I'm hoping maybe one of our Cybils favorites will be selected. Since the Newberys are always so keen on fantasy, though, I'm not counting on it. You never know.
As for w.i.p.s and nerves -- YES! Late last night I actually forwarded the *first installment* of a new book to a few friends and my agent -- anxiously awaiting feedback. I haven't told anyone ANYTHING about it yet, and I don't know what they will think.
Good luck to YOU with your w.i.p. Cheers!
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