But they are a few of the things on my mind!
I know you all already know, but just in case, if you're not signed up for the Comment Challenge put on by MotherReader and Lee Wind, I say DO IT! (Was that a little bossy? Sorry, if so. Only wanting to encourage.) It's such a great time to get to know other bloggers and expand your bloggy world just a bit. Plus, it's fun and there's PRIZES!
An e-book to be exact, THE ZEN OF BLOGGING: 7 STEPS ON THE VIRTUAL PATH TO REAL SUCCESS, written by the above mentioned Lee Wind. (Hello, can you say Superman...his blog banner seems to be a perfect fit for him.) You should jump over there now and check out his new eBook because you can currrently get it $5 off. I've got mine and looking forward to diving in becuase knowing Lee, it's fantastic.

But if what?
Any thoughts, friends?
Perhaps it's a follower thing? So many new followers means I eat it with a bite of Nutella? An even bigger number means I eat it all by it's lonesome and record it to be viewed by you, the Cuppa Jolie audience?
What says you? I'm open to any and all ideas.
Yuck. Don't eat the bug. We'll still follow you--what about getting a certain number of followers so that you DON'T have to eat the bug?
Gah! Don't eat the bug.
Wait- did you finish your revision? Eat the bug if you don't finish the revision (says the girl with an unfinished manuscript).
You gave me an idea to get some dried bugs for the chickens, though.
EAT IT. Or make Kim eat half of it if you both have unfinished mss.
No bug eating! Save the bug! Maybe if we name him, people will vote against eating him. Let's name him Charles! Free Charles! ;)
I hadn't heard of the comment challenge. Neat idea!
Fun post!
Ha! You guys are cracking me up. I thought people would love to see me eat a bug. (Well, I guess I know Jaime would.)
Dawn, the bug's already prepared for eatin'. But I suppose we could still call him Charlie.
I wonder if grasshoppers get stale?
And my dog ate my couch - that's worse than a person eating a bug.
Oh. Well, if he's already prepared... Eat Charlie! Eat Charlie!
Ewww! Do not eat the bug. We'll love you anyway. I agree with Dawn. Let's name him and make him our blogging circle mascot. :-)
Don't eat the bug - we love you anyway! Thanks for letting people know about the comment challenge and my e-book on blogging - I'm really excited about it all... And especially about being on SCBWI Team Blog with you for the upcoming NY Conference! Wow! So much great stuff...
Namaste and a Hug,
Feed it to the dog!
My niece once ate a cricket. There's actually a candy store up the coast from me that has bugs in all their confections. So, um, I guess there's a market for that sort of thing.
If you chop it up with almonds and Nutella, you might not even notice. Maybe.
Ew! Ew! Ew!
I'll support you NOT eating it as well. Blech!
Ok, maybe if it was a chocolate-covered grasshopper it may not be that bad :)
Jolie! check out this great piece int he WSJ about slush piles - http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703414504575001271351446274.html
enjoy your weekend!
Yucky! But I do kinda want to see you eat it...
You all are so funny. I've been getting a kick out of it. I'm really surprised about don't-eat-the-bug movement.
I'm with you, Kjersten. I'd want to see me eat it too. :)
Save Charlie! I'm with them. I could never let my bug-loving ten-year-old see your blog. He would cry. Do the tears of a kid sway you?
Karrie - It's funny you ask that because my girlie that ate a grub prepared by the Bug Chef is also a bug lover. She cried the day perk holes were dug in a lot across the way because she feared many ladybug perished. But I thank you for stopping by here, even if you need keep your son away. :)
I can't save Charlie. He's already dead and prepared and mixed with some party mix (wierd, I know).
The Charlie saga continues...
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