So, those of you who were part of the comments on my last post know my day was derailed yesterday. Such is life, I guess. So I had started this whole post (below) and will now return to yesterday's scheduled programming. The sooner, the better. Because so far, I've been wasting way too much time.
What was I saying yesterday? Here we go...
What's your goal? Today that is!
It can be big or small! But let's cheer each other on.
-Write a 1333 words?
-Revise one chapter?
-Write a synopsis?
-Research perspective agents?
We may not be in the same stage of process (the other day I wrote quite vaguely about where I'm in my process) but that doesn't mean we can't push each other along. Right? Right!
Mine will be word count goals.
For my WIP: write 2000 words.

But let's see now, what shall I call my little pet project, that new one that popped up. Ooh. Let me share with you that I shared my idea, and beginning pages, with my crit group the other night and the reaction was just what I needed: they laughed and loved and praised. In other words, I can't let this one go. I think I will call it my heart project.
For my heart project: I will write 250 words.
Wanna play? Leave your goal in the comments!
One goal down! 595 words on my heart project.
Time to make a dent in the wip.
I think I wrote 1500-2000 words today. I didn't keep close count but I liked the progress I made.
Congrats on the heart project. :)
Thank you for getting this going.
I am teaching seven classes and mentoring two (the horrors). This insane schedule is causing me to squeeze my writing time into the end of the day when my brain doesn't work properly. So, my writing goal is to write FIRST. and then, I can work. I have to put a full hour in before work.
My goal: To survive the expediting of one year's worth of work into three months. Holy cowabunga.
Thanks, Karen! And way to go on your 2000 words (let's call it that)!
Michele, you are so welcome. You are helping ME! And you can do it, one hour before. :)
JESSE!!!! You can do it. That really is an amazing challenge. You must be eating and breathing this book. I really should send you cookies.
I'm glad you started this Jolie! I wrote about 1000 words yesterday and hope to be more like Karen and write 1500-2000 a day for the next month.
I'm in the middle of a revision so my goal is to stay in my chair when I want to get up and give up.
Hi, Jolie! I'm excited for you about your heart project. Also, I love your challenge because it totally helps when you have to report progress (or lack of progress) to others. I may jump in next time!
Hey all! I love to see all of you here wanting to encourage each other. It is a selfish move on my part, a sort of trick for you all to give me a kick in the rear. :)I'm sneaking like that.
So, I'm thinking, those of you who want the added outside motivation plus massive, loud, virtual cheerleading...perhaps I'll post once each Tuesday (or more if necessary) and we can gather in the comments for needed support. Yes? YES!
Yay, Jane! Thank you for your nice comment and tweet. :)
Kirby - that's a great goal for any stage of the writing process. I think I will adopt it too. DON'T GIVE UP. (repeat, repeat, repeat)
Dawn - Do jump in anytime.
Watch for a post tomorrow. For now, I hope to hit 1000 words today (motivated by Alice Pope's post today:
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