Wasn't yesterday's work-time fun? (If you didn't join us yesterday, just trust that it was and join in today. You're productivity will increase. Promise!)
Even though no one is sitting at this little cafe table with me as I work (probably better that way), it so nice to have know friends far and wide are sitting in their respective spots with keyboards under fingertips, working away.

Even though no one is sitting at this little cafe table with me as I work (probably better that way), it so nice to have know friends far and wide are sitting in their respective spots with keyboards under fingertips, working away.
Plus, I get the added distraction of everyone chiming in with comments throughout the day (you too) and it makes me feel like we're all together. (Except we can't start tangent conversations that take us away from our work. That's a good thing.)
I'm in a new work spot today. I come here every once in a while, and I love it here. It's called the Under Town and I'm literally under one of the old buildings in my little seaside town. Below is my set up, minus me since I'm behind the camera. Today is Bob's Bagel Day, always a perfect reason to come to the Under Town on a Friday. Maybe I'll update with my treats throughout the day.

So, tell me! What are your goals on this writing (or illustrating) day?
I'm going to ratchet mine up from yesterday and press for 2000 words.
Although I have many coffeehouse distractions, I have so far manage a bit over 700 words, but I better keep moving, still a lot to get done.
Some of my distractions:
Yummy latte...

My everything bagel...

I'm pretty sure some of this bagel is now in my teeth.
And the biggest distraction, one I've never dealt with before, is this...

This loose brick is right next to me. But the bigger distraction is I think something might be behind there. Look...

See that bit of red and black? There's totally something back there. Don't you think? I want to pull out the brick and look but, you know...seems sort of strange to pull a brick out of the coffee house wall.
I need to finish up eight more pages that are due for my class tomorrow. So I'll be writing here in my family room all day, well, at least until 3 when I go for the kids :)
Aw, wish I could be there! I'll go make more coffee now and do some work with you from afar.
Glad you're joining in today, Sherrie. 8 pages, about 2000 words, yes? Will be in the 2K race together. Whee! I'd better get started.
What is Jaime working on today? Do tell!
I'll see your 2K and raise you 500!
: )
My hubby is taking the kids to the Aquarium and mama gets to write! I need the company!
Ooh, Molly! You are my kind of girl. I love it when the stakes get raised. 2500...whee, let's go!
(And hooray for hubby! Woot-woot!)
I am trying to finish up a current chapter and start the new one. But my bubbling cauldron, I mean, pot, of seafood curry is very distracting, as is my husband who's decided to stay home and does all this conference calls from home.
Yat-Yee - now your seafood curry is distracting me! Me wants...
But, you're here now, declaring: finish a chapter, start a chapter! So tell your husband to keep the conference calls quiet, you've got work to do. :)
Fire turned off for curry. Finished last sentence of current chapter. Realize this chapter is twice as along as every other but have no idea how to re-partition. But that's work for later.
Next chapter. Recheck notes I wrote much too long ago and see if I still think that's where the story should go.
Also, shut the door to my office so the hubster's excited voice is muffled. It is good to hear him being gung ho on a project though.
All good.
I always like to keep the goal low on fridays, just to make me feel good. Todays was 1,000 words and I did it.
Just got back from whole Foods where I ate Curry Turkey Salad and bought Yogi brand "Bedtime" tea. If you guys haven't tried it, I love it. But be warned, it is slightly addictive after a long day of writing!
I hope we can continue cheering each other on here at "Cuppa Jolie" next week. I love reading about each of you.
Thank you Jolie for having a place I can "go" to!
Ah, Jane...I'm jealous you're done. Will push on since Molly raised the stakes. I've still got a ways to go.
Hmm... where is my word count *goes and checks* 708. Really? That's it? Feels like I've been typing like crazy. *sigh*
Seems curry is the theme today. You all are making me hunger...better go get my everything bagel.
And thank you, Jane. I'll be here next week fo sho!
Okay, friends...I've just posted an update to this blog post. You have to see my major distraction! It's making me a bit crazy.
Oh man, now I have to go upstairs and make some lunch... Back in a bit!
Ooh, and I say: add a scene in your book where the characters find a secret behind a brick!
So the hubster finished his calls and asked for lunch. Just finished: leftover Bulgoghi and rice with a salad of mixed sprouts and baby spinach. Now enjoying a hot cup of ginger tea.
965 words so far.
Molly, the thought has crossed my mind. I reallyreallyreally want to pull that brick out. If one of you were actually sitting at the table with me, I'd probalby do it.
What to do, what to do...???
Don't pull it out until you have written either (a) 500 hundred words or (b) a story based on that secret item in the hole.
Yat-Yee - You play a good game. Okay. Agreed. But I don't know if I'll be brave enough to pull it out.
Get someone to drop a venti mocha at the counter for you, then take your chance! You have got to take it out; I just know it's there because someone stole a cache of emeralds and hid them there. Or it's a treasure map telling where to find the portal to Hogwarts...
You have to pull it out or at least put a straw in there and push the red and black thing out! I agree with Molly, to add "something hidden behind a brick". I totally love reading "Nancy Drewisms" in current YA. By the way I want your latte!
Okay, it's getting quieter in here. I keep thinking this little room will empty and I'll be able to look. I feel all sneaky-like, my heart rate's picking up a bit. Still two people in the room.
If I do it, I'm pulling out the camcorder on my phone and recording to share with all of you, just hoping it's not to dark to see. I have 40 minutes before I have to leave.
Stay tuned.
# of words: 2,122
$ of lame joke: 1
Done for now. This has been fun. Thanks Jolie. I can't wait to see what you uncover.
Now that my writing is done, I shall reward myself by.......doing taxes!
Woo-hoo! Just did a virtual backflip and high kick for you Yay-Yee.
I'm currently at 1610 words and increasely distracted by this brick. Plus, the place suddenly filled up again.
Here I go, here I go...
I'm gonna do it!
That was fun...will have to blog about later. :)
I'm pretty sure the lady behind me is wondering what in the world I was doing. Tee-hee
WIll it be like Amelie? Did you find a tin box of treasure to reunite with the long lost owner, setting you off on a romantic adventure??
Today is kicking my butt, but I'm going to try and squeeze in an hour of work right NOW.
what a cute concept - and productive, too. I actually met today's goal - to finish the pages to send to my writing group (though it had been my goal for the last two days and I just kept rolling it forward!)
curious what's behind that brick...
namaste and keep writing!
It looks like Chucky! Yipes.
Just got over 1,000 words so am going for a quick walk. But I'm working into the evening and still hope to make my goal. Thanks SO much for the motivation! It really helped! It forced me to shove that inner editor aside and just haul buns on the word count. Woo hoo! I hope the thing behind the brick didn't bite you. : )
Kim - I hope you kick the hours butt. Go, girl, go!
Keep going, Molly! I'm sure you'll pass me by too. I hit 1800. Must say I was a bit distracted by that brick. :)
I will tell you all, there WAS something behind the brick. Knew it! There was two somethings. I'll do a post about it, maybe to kick off another get together on Monday.
It looks like an alien or a spiderman action-figure.
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