(If you’ve already read this then skip past all the italicized blah-di-blah and start writing.) Monday Moments are writing prompts for your work-in-progress. They are questions that come from my experiences and are my favorite way to find out more about my characters. I find I learn a lot. Some of it I use. Some of it I don’t. But I always, always get to know my character(s) better just by answering the question. I hope you do too. )
Cleaning up my girlies' room has sort of been an all summer task; a frustrating and unending (we're still working on it) task. The girlies seem to be in the mood for a change, and have also been ready to make room for new things by getting rid of the old. Or, truth be told, they wanted to sell some of their things to make some cash. The making-room-for-the-new was secondary.
Well, many things slowed us down over the summer, but we FINALLY had that garage sale and took care of the getting-rid-of. (Although, all you moms out there know it's not really over. The stuffs out of their room, but I still need to be rid of all that didn't sell.)

But now we're cleaning up and organizing in attempt to get ready for some rearranging, and possibly a bit of repainting. You see, my ten-year-old girlie seems to think she's got to be the ONLY fifth grade girl who still has flowers on her walls. (Does that seem oh-so flowery to you? The other two walls are striped. Well, I guess it does to her.) They also want to redecorate and move furniture to create more personal space for themselves (Hey, I get that!). And the other biggie? They want posters. Cool posters. (I'm clueless here.)
So, we we're working on it.
But I think it's something true of all of us and our spaces. We come to a point where we'd like or need a change, which must (especially in the youth years) say much about how we change as people. And our space (or what we'd like for our space) speaks volumes about who we are.
If your character could redecorate their bedroom or space, what would they do?
Such a cute room. As hard as it is, she'll want to make it a total "teenager" room soon enough!
Thanks, Jane. I know you're right. I'll have to post some new pictures when we get it rearranged. Sometimes small changes can make a big difference.
Hope the writing's going well for you!
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Lucy wrote me a long note explaining why she wants her own room. The next night, she came into our bed because she thought Alice was in there (she wasn't--she's just sort of flat under the sheets). Anyway, that's where my Lucy character is. Wanting independence, but not really.
love the new picture of you :) Ilove redoing rooms....
Thanks, Shelli!
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