Wow! What a milestone for Monday Moments.
It's been almost two years in the making. The very first Monday Moment was posted on January 12, 2009. It was just an idea I had; something I did as a writer. I didn't know if anyone else would find them useful. I didn't know if I'd continue posting them. Or for how long. But it seems Monday after Monday I found some personal experience in my life that could possibly relate to your characters.
So...for #100 I thought one of you wonderful Monday Moment readers should get a CUPPA! (Details below.)
Getting to 100 (of anything) takes a bit of waiting, patience, and perseverance. A whole lot of what we do as writers, no?
I also did quite a bit of waiting yesterday. I was crazy enough to think the Santa line at the mall wouldn't be a mile and a half long on the Sunday before Christmas! I'm sure you're all thinking, DUH! OF COURSE IT WAS THAT LONG!!!
So I put on my patience pants and waited in the line as my girlies wandered around the mall with their grandma and papa. I also felt the need to be the one waiting since I think the picture was for my own good and not theirs. They're now 8 and 10 and just hitting that age where...well, you know.
How'd I make it though that long line without crumbling like a tasty Christmas cookie? I tweeted about about my people-watching experience while I waited. People watching in the Santa line is quite fun.
Here's my tweets:
For my own entertainment I will tweet from the Sunday before Christmas Santa line. #santaphotos
Little girl: Santa, please bring my mom a skirt long enough to cover her cheeks. #santaphotos
I'm fairly certain those two little guys just asked for spray paint for their future graffiti masterpieces. #santaphotos
Sibling fight is breaking out behind me. Mom may ask for a new set of marbles. #santaphotos
Young girl just swiped extra candy canes from Santa's basket. I hope this doesn't jeopardize her list standing. #santaphotos
Here comes the classic clinging to mom's neck, do not make me go near that guy experience. #santaphotos
This might be the last time my girls do this. I think this year they are taking the photo for me. http://plixi.com/p/64041579 #santaphotos
Al. Most. There. #santaphotos
Little tiny people are so stinking precious. (But my big ones can take themselves to the bathroom.) #santaphotos
Two year old: *stares at ground* When will this be over. I will NOT smile. #santaphotos
Two year old trying so hard to smile he can't keep his eyes open. #santaphotos
Success! http://plixi.com/p/64047163 #santaphotos
I had to sneak a shot with Santa too. http://plixi.com/p/64048098 Whispers: Do the elves make MacBook pros? #santaphotos
What has your character had to wait for? Did they have patience and persevere?
And in honor of this 100 Moment milestone, I would love to thank all of you who visit Cuppa Jolie and read Monday Moments. I know you don't always comment, but I know you are out there, reading. And, I know you all have been in the same WAITING-PATIENCE-PERSEVERANCE boat when it comes to writing. I would love to hear from you in the comments, whether you've read Monday Moments 1 or 100 times.
So here's the deal. From now until Monday, January 3, leave a comment about a time you have had to wait (requiring patience and perseverance) whether it relates to writing or not. For all those who comment, I will put your name in a drawing for a CUPPA (a good cup coffee or other drink of choice) at your favorite spot.
(Monday Moments will take a holiday on December 27.)
I put in for a passport a few years ago at the beginning of February. The trip was scheduled for the end of May. I was assured, "You'll get it in plenty of time." Well.
Two weeks before the trip I started to worry. One week before I burned the phone lines up trying to find out my passport status. As the week progressed, I even made a call to my representative. Did a lot of praying!
The plane was set to leave on Sunday.
Thursday - no passport in the mail.
Friday - no passport in the mail.
I'm sweating bullets!
Saturday, late in the afternoon and less than 24 hours before scheduled departure, after checking the mail about five times that day (my mailbox is .2 miles away from my house. I walked each time!) -- finally -- my passport.
I think I shed a few tears of relief. I will not lie.
Wow, Wanda! That stressed me out just reading it. I would have spilled a few tears too (and maybe some other things). Thanks so much for commenting on number 100! :)
I waited for almost 6 years for my second little boy to be born. I can't say I waited with my 'patience pants' on - at least not until last summer when my husband and I decided that it was time to let it go and move on with our lives. I felt serenely patient then.
Bam! We then had our little cutie June 19, 2010. Patience pays off:)
P.S. Congratulations on you 100th Monday moment and the Santa photo success. I've enjoyed reading about them!
Oh, the things I've had to wait for... countersigned contracts, nachos to cook. The hardest, though, was waiting for my girls to be born. Especially Alice, who was 12 days late and then managed to get the umbilical cord wrapped so tightly around her neck, the whole delivery turned into a medical emergency. It was a case of wait and hurry up...
JD thanks for the story about your visit to see Santa at the mall. I miss those days.
I also heard you were blessed with fresh crab for the holidays...nice. Tell everyone hello and Merry Christmas from Tim in Tights and his family. We miss you all and love you all.
merry christmas
happy new years
merry christmas
happy new years
merry christmas
happy new years
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