Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Moment #107: a writing prompt for your work-in-progress

(If you’ve already read this then skip past all the italicized blah-di-blah and start writing.) Monday Moments are writing prompts for your work-in-progress. They are questions that come from my experiences and are my favorite way to find out more about my characters. I find I learn a lot. Some of it I use. Some of it I don’t. But I always, always get to know my characters better just by answering the question. I hope you do too.)


Will you be mine? (Well, at least for the next five minutes?)

You know, I'd love to ask you to be mine, but I do already have several special Valentines: my hubby and my girlies.

But, I think we can all have many Valentines. Yes?

My hubby has my heart, and I'll always be his Valentine, and he'll be mine. But my girls are also mine. I also always want to be my dad's special Valentine. I still remember as a kid the time my dad made me a handmade Valentine card with a poem he'd written inside. Now, I have to say, he also did the same for my mom and brother, but I that's a Valentine's Day that stands out.

Dad's take note: if you have little girls, you are their very first and most special Valentine. So spoil them with lots and lots of cheesiness each February 14. Truthfully, they'll remember it more than any teen crush's attempts at, BE MINE.

I don't know about you (we're all different creatures) but the most meaningful things for me are not gifts but things that really come from the heart, like a handmade card or a love letter. That will get me every time over flowers or candies or presents.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, FRIENDS! I hope your cuppa spills over with love today.

Thinking of your character this Valentine's Day, who are their Valentines? And what kinds of acts/gifts make them feel most loved (or do they most desire)?

1 comment:

Martha Brockenbrough said...

Adam always gets the girls a heart-shaped box of chocolate. They remind him of this obligation every year--and I know it will be an annual tradition forever. It's so cheesy. But so awesome.