Yesterday I had the sweet treat of chatting with the fab
Jenn Bailey via Twitter.
Jenn, graphic designer and professional blogger (and so much more), will be presenting three break-out sessions at the upcoming 11th SCBWI Conference in NYC.
We both donned our festive caps, grabbed a cuppa something, and sat down for a long winter's chat.
Here our transcript!
December 22, 2009
2:53 pm JennBailey: @cuppajolie The kettle is on. I've settled on African Rooibos tea. Perfect for this cold Kansas day. My Cuppa will be ready soon. #scbwi
2:59 pm cuppajolie: One more minute! Jingle, jingle! #scbwi
3:00 pm cuppajolie: I show one 1:00. Let's get this party started! #scbwi
3:00 pm cuppajolie: First, thank you for joining me for this exclusive twitterview at such a busy time of year, Jenn. #scbwi
3:00 pm JennBailey: @cuppajolie A red mug AND a Santa Hat! Wonderfully festive. #scbwi
3:01 pm cuppajolie: You inspired me, Jenn! A nice change. #scbwi
3:01 pm cuppajolie: You've got your cuppa African Rooibos and I have my cuppa water (boring, I know). We'll have to have a cocktail together in nyc. #scbwi
3:01 pm JennBailey: @cuppajolie My absolute pleasure! I've got my sons cleaning the house because I'm "busy", so this is great. #scbwi
3:02 pm cuppajolie: I have a handful of questions or topics I'd love to chat with you about? #scbwi
3:02 pm cuppajolie: ...but, if others have their own questions along the way, feel free to send them along and I'll throw them Jenn's way if time permits. #scbwi
3:03 pm cuppajolie: Please use #scbwi. #scbwi
3:03 pm cuppajolie: I've got my holiday music playing and my cuppa at my side. So, shall we get started? #scbwi
3:04 pm JennBailey: Yes, yes! I've Bing singing. We may just get that White Christmas here. #scbwi
3:05 pm cuppajolie: You'll be presenting 3 breakout sessions at the upcoming SCBWI conference in nyc: Viral Marketing/Promotion. #scbwi
3:05 pm cuppajolie: Can you give us the gist of your talk in 140 characters? #scbwi
3:07 pm JennBailey: There are no formulas that cause something to go viral. You have to entertain, educate or inspire your fan base and be ... (doh!) #scbwi
3:08 pm JennBailey: willing to let go of your message and encourage your audience to run with it. Relax, have fun and don't try too hard. #scbwi
3:09 pm cuppajolie: Will your talk be best suited for those already published? #scbwi
3:11 pm JennBailey: It will, but there are always lessons for the pre-published. Writers have to position themselves for book launch. Takes time to ... #scbwi
3:12 pm JennBailey: build that trusting fan base. If you push too hard and are not genuine folks will run screaming "Spam". #scbwi
3:13 pm cuppajolie: So true. Or just be turned off, yes? #scbwi
3:13 pm cuppajolie: I love those three key words you use: entertain, educate, and inspire? #scbwi
3:14 pm JennBailey: Exactly. People want to meet the author not the salesman. #scbwi
3:14 pm cuppajolie: And you mention not trying to hard. Would you say that's one of the biggest mistakes people make? #scbwi
3:17 pm JennBailey: I think it is, but you don't crash a party, stand on a chair and shout "Look at me! I've got something I want you to buy." #scbwi
3:18 pm JennBailey: At least not most of us. You want to listen first. Give a little. Be a friend to get a friend (as I said in LA). #scbwi
3:19 pm cuppajolie: Perhaps it's okay to stand on that chair and shout from the rooftop at the appropriate time(s)? (Just not over and over?) #scbwi
3:20 pm cuppajolie: "Be a friend to get a friend" is a great message, Jenn. #scbwi
3:21 pm JennBailey: Of course. When it's your party and everyone's excited to hear from you, SHOUT your head off. Just make sure people want to listen #scbwi
3:27 pm cuppajolie: Seems not to be liking my last tweet. Perhaps I'll try again with another. #scbwi
3:28 pm cuppajolie: In LA you did a twitter 101 session. Many are still not on twitter. Do you think they should jump on the twitter train? #scbwi
3:30 pm JennBailey: Twitter is one of the most power tools a writer can use for promoting themselves and their work. It's fast, accessible, searchable #scbwi
3:30 pm JennBailey: I call Twitter the great amplifier - but of course you need something to amplify. #scbwi
3:31 pm cuppajolie: Ack! Where is the time going. How 'bout just a one or two more? #scbwi
3:32 pm cuppajolie: What do you say to those that are afraid of twitter (one more social media tool to learn how to function in)? #scbwi
3:32 pm JennBailey: As long as I'm with you the boys will keep cleaning so . . . #scbwi
3:34 pm JennBailey: I'm going to borrow from myself again. Sorry to those who have heard this before. Social Media tools are NOT about technology #scbwi
3:35 pm JennBailey: They are about Anthropology. We want to connect, we've been doing it for eons - carrier pigeon, telegraph, sky writing . . . #scbwi
3:36 pm JennBailey: Twitter and the other tools are just a new way to say "Hi" and get to know people. You learned that when you were 2. There is ... #scbwi
3:36 pm JennBailey: nothing to be frazzled about. Just have fun and remember what your Mom taught you - Play Nice! #scbwi
3:36 pm cuppajolie: I do think that many are afraid of the how-tos of twitter, you know, all the @, RT, #, DM... #scbwi
3:37 pm cuppajolie: Yes. Play nice. Another great message, Jenn. People have certainly gotten themselves into trouble using social media. #scbwi
3:38 pm cuppajolie: If an author could only choose one social networking tool to use, which would you suggest. Where's is a good place to start. #scbwi
3:39 pm JennBailey: It may sound like code but it does make sense. And there are great resources out there from folks like @gregpincus and @inkyelbows #scbwi
3:40 pm JennBailey: That is such a hard question. Writers and Illustrators need a home so I'm all for a website or blog. Even a fan page on facebook #scbwi
3:41 pm JennBailey: But Twitter is like the Barker at the Circus, calling the curious and interested to come over and check things out. You need a ... #scbwi
3:42 pm JennBailey: place to send them too. Guess I'm not answering the question. #scbwi
3:42 pm cuppajolie: Do you think it's important for people to enjoy the tool they are using? ... #scbwi
3:43 pm JennBailey: Oh! Another resource (If I may) @leewind is coming out with a blogging ebook. Great stuff there too. #scbwi
3:43 pm cuppajolie: ...(Maybe this brings us full circle, back to not trying too hard.) #scbwi
3:45 pm JennBailey: Oh! You have to have fun! If you aren't it shines through. Transparency is important. BUT you also have to be where your audience is #scbwi
3:46 pm cuppajolie: And this has been FUN, Jenn. I look forward to having a cuppa something with you in nyc. #scbwi
3:46 pm JennBailey: If most of your fans are on MySpace, get used to MySpace and learn to be, at least, comfortable there. #scbwi
3:47 pm JennBailey: Let's go for a dirty martini, 3 olives. #scbwi
3:48 pm cuppajolie: Thank you so much for your time today. (I hope those boys got loads of clean up done for you.) #scbwi
3:48 pm cuppajolie: I've never had a dirty martini. Will have to try (when we meet up). #scbwi
3:49 pm cuppajolie: I will post transcripts of this chat with @JennBailey on my Cuppa Jolie blog asap. #scbwi
3:50 pm JennBailey: Thank you, Jolie. This was fun and I appreciate the spotlight :) #scbwi
3:51 pm cuppajolie: Earlybird registration is coming up (Jan. 4). If Santa leaves a little $ in your stocking, then you too can see Jenn! #scbwi
3:51 pm cuppajolie: It was my pleasure, Jenn. Looking forward to seeing you in a month (coming right up!). #scbwi
3:53 pm cuppajolie: Check out all the conference details here: http://www.scbwi.org/Conference.aspx?Con=5 The line up is amazing! #scbwi