What a week, whipper smackers. Holly and I were blown away. Keep it up in week two, and please feel free to post your progress (from week 1) if you haven't done so yet. And, it's never to late to join.
Drum roll please...
This week's Whip of the Week is...Wait...Wait...
It was a tie. The week was that good.
First, Kjersten Anna Hayes.
Here's what Kjersten had to say about her week:
Pin a rose on my nose because, no joke, I DOUBLED my goal for the week!
Here's one way to get a lot of revision finished: 1. Have a long to-do list of other stuff that doesn't seem as fun as (*ahem*) drawing.2. Have Holly and Jolie give you a permission slip to slack off on that long to-do list by working on revising that dummy you love to work on.3. Take up drawing. I think it was Kevan Atteberry who said at the conference, "what artist walks in their studio and says, shoot I think I have to draw today. Bummer." Certainly not this one. Drawing is what I do to procrastinate on other stuff.Thanks for the permission slip, Holly and Jolie.Now. I have a dusty to-do list of other stuff that REALLY needs to be tackled today.
Helen Landalf
About her week, Helen said:
I had a great week! I accomplished the following:- Made it through my entire novel, "first draft" revision. This included more filtering of events through the main character's perspective, more transformation of all major characters from beginning to end, several major new scenes.-Made it through the first 9 chapters, "second draft" revision: sharpening descriptions and dialogue, word choice tweaks, expanding scenes (I tend to rush).I'm right on target for finishing a "third draft" revision by next Saturday!
Way to go!
Honorable Mentions go to Molly Blaisdell, Martha Brockenbrough,and Mindy Hardwick! Go forth and crack the whip this week, Smackdowners!
1 comment:
Yay! Thanks for the pat on the back, Jolie and Holly! I love the revision smackdown. Now I'm BACK TO WORK!
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