It's our final report. Now, we know that July has been a bit less-focused version of the Summer Revision Smackdown, but that doesn't mean Holly and I have been any less impressed. Heck...she and I both completed our revision projects this month. And, from what you've told us, many of you have, too! (Or met your goals. Or did more this summer than you anticpiated.)
So, just because the smackdown is over, doesn't mean you should stop visiting. We would miss you. And here's the good news: Holly and I have loved this so much that we think it MUST happen again. A yearly event. Summer Revision Smackdown will live on and back again in full force June 2010! Smack dat!
Will you put us on your calendar? But don't forget to report in comments first!
I'm all for the annual smackdown. This has been fun, educational, and inspirational.
My July was less successful than my June. Sometimes, you can only do so much and I sort of had a lot of stuff going on.
But I did two complete revisions of a picture book--and discovered a new vein that's really working. For me, anyway.
I did a bit of work on the novel revision. But I'm facing enormous fears and insecurities that are making me waste a lot of time. How do you get past that?
I agree with Martha.
Summer comes, and these lofty goals with it.
I think, Martha, that the whole writing/publishing thing is filled with fear and insecurity. But that can be motivation, too.
When I'm unsure or afraid, I let people read. Outside feedback is super helpful.
Good luck!
And good luck to everyone, with your writing and submitting and selling!!!
I really fell of the revision wagon this month too. Martha, I'm so glad you brought up the fear/insecurity thing. That can be so paralyzing! For me, it is combined with feeling overwhelmed with the giantness of the task. It seems to be growing more intense, now that I feel like I'm getting closer. The stakes are getting higher. Professional people are actually going to look at my manuscript. So it has to be perfect. But that's impossible!
I am finding I need to loosen up a little. Find that balance Janet Lee Carey talked about - between dreaming and thinking.
Anyway! Thank you Jolie and Holly for all the inspiration and community! It's been fun to discover your blogs and hear about your writing. I will keep checking in!
I'm plugging along. I try not to feel discouraged about the time issue. My day job is even more demanding now, so there's less time for revision. I have to make it count!
Martha, I understand the fears and insecurities. I have a hard time keeping my inner critic from becoming a monster of insecurity. One technique I use is to resist the temptation to go over what I have written until I'm through an entire draft or section. Otherwise, I get stuck in this OCD-like space and everything comes to a standstill.
Again, thank you so much for doing this. I plan to participate next year as well.
Also, this is the first year I am going to the LA SCBWI Conference. I hope to see some of you there!
I'm checking in on an iffy internet connection after a week on a river using a compost toilet, bathing while swimming, and sitting in a treehouse reading. So I haven't gotten any work done in the past week. But before I left for my trip, I charged forth and met my goals for the month (with a slight revision due to some changes in my mentor program schedule). So high fives, all around.
I'm all for an annual smackdown. I've loved it. Thanks Holly and Jolie!
And Martha I appreciate your comments regarding facing fears and insecurities when it comes to revision. We all go there.
Here's some cheesy cliche words of encouragement I always use for myself: feel afraid and go for it anyway. Turn off the internet, screw your courage to the sticking place and plow through. I'm rooting for you.
I'm looking forward to next years's--as I missed this one.
Ill always be here but if not - we'll always have smackdown :)
Oh, you'll see me, I'm a pal of Holly's and I have read your blog for a while now. :) I too, fell off the revision wagon. Actually, it ran me over. But that was because I took the advice of some of the awesome authors you had on here and decided I'm going to just write the whole first draft out first. Get it done. I'm so grateful you had authors on here who in a way, gave me permission to do just that. It's got my brain going, juices flowing, fingers writing; a huge improvement from a month ago!
Hurray for annual Smackdown!
I'm up to 42000 words on my second novel...Got a lot of writing done this week. My art is also improving a lot and got to do a bunch of art for others and started the second novel art. I'm very enthused to finish up the first draft during August and have a bunch of art ready. Researching is also very fun right now. (And then I will send it to my agent, hopefully in September!)
I feel that I got to move forward a lot in July, so pretty happy with how it went.
Thanks Jolie & Holly!!!
Yeah for Summer Smackdown! I did not meet my goal for the month of July, but I did some writing that I am very proud of. And I was faithful to writing every single day. Even when my study was 80-degrees and rising.
Thanks to everyone for sharing and encouraging...
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