Drop the confetti. Sound the horns. Kiss someone at midnight! It's time to start fresh.

I will miss you, Sunshine. You have been oh-so lovely this summer in the Seattle area. (Feel free to stick around in September and October, 'kay.)
But welcome, school year and a new schedule.
HELLO, my favorite coffee shop writing spots. I've missed you.
And, big hugs to SCBWI Western Washington's new season. Can we hang again? It's been too long.
Time for Fall Focus resolutions.
Time to create a new schedule.
Time to get work done without the distractions of summer.

My goals for September are all about writing and fitness. Ah, my yin and yang.
I got such great feedback on my revision from my writerly friends, now it's time to get back to work on it using all the good stuff they gave me. AND I must complete the outline of Book 2 (so hard for

Next, figure out how the workout schedule fits into the new school year and writing schedule then work, work, work because I'm off to training Oct. 3 & 4 in order to get certified in BODYSTEP (yes, I'm weird like that).
So, tell me: What are you're Fall Focus Goals?
But, if you'll please excuse me now, I'm off to take my kids to their first day of 2nd and 4th grade (how can that be?), then heading to the a coffee spot to work (which spot?...how to choose?), and finally off to catch a ferry to the first SCBWI WWA meeting of the new season (I hope I make the boat, fingers crossed).
edits edits edits! oh yeah and to go on sub and get a multi book deal :) isnt that everyones? :)
heh you have me fired up now! woo hoo! this is my time of year too, I abs love it.
Just reading your post makes me feel all fired up for a new start!
Fall Focus? In writing: keep pushing through WIP and stop obsessing about MG novel now out in submission.
Life: chill more, tense less. Good for the kids, good for me.
Health: work on a strong, stable TKD kick. Or at least aim to not wobble half the time.
Shelli, Cinde, Yat-Yee...
Now you've all got me re-fired up. I was feeling a bit emotional after the crazy drop off at school, but now I'm here, at The Vault, and so ready to get started. Yow! Thank you for your comments.
Good luck with your goals. Now, let's go! And here's to hoping that good news is coming for all! :)
I want to know: that last image in this post -- is that sweat exploding from Body Steppers or from authors that have just finished their revisions?
I work at my church's childcare center, which is pretty much on a school-year schedule, so this is my new year too:) Always makes more of an impact on the schedule than Jan. 1.
Goal: Finish novel that I've been starting, stopping, and starting again since FEBRUARY!!!!!
Then let it sit, work on some short stuff, then re-do the beginning to make it line up with the new outline. That should last me awhile:)
Fall goals: finish edits, get an agent, finish WIP, have both books purchased in major book deal. That's all :)
I'm with you ... this is such a great time of year to set goals!!!
So envious. Coffee shops, ferries... My goal for September is to finish revising my WIP.
Happy New Year to you as well!
I once taught step aerobics (that seems like 100 years ago). There's something about fitness and cross training that relates to writing and the creative process. It will be my workshop someday. :)
My goal is to complete my YA revision by October.
fall focus - be brave enough to embrace my idea and share it with others. i am writing, but i am not a writer...yet. does that make sense? have others had a hard time opening up about a first endeavor into the literary world?
august was a good month for my research, my content, and the momentum of my manuscript. fall is busy, but i feel like it is the time to take the plunge. fall... plunge... get it?
Great goals, ALL! I'm glad we're all on the same page about this time of year!
Jaime...I sweat like that when I step and when I write...now if I could just burn the same number of calories while writing (ah, wouldn't that be nice?).
Emilie...no more stopping. Push through! You can so do it.
Sherrie! No problem. You got it. No problem.
Michele...I agree. Fitness and writing completely relatable!
Patrick, yes! Be brave. We have al been there. If you are writing, you are a writer. You are!
Go for the goals! (I'm such a cheeseball. Can't help it.)
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