So, yeah. I need that. Eyes. It's no secret. You all know that I like to put my goals out there so that I have some outside accountability; someone holding my feet to the flames.
Go, Jolie, go! Faster, faster, faster.
Okay, maybe fast is not my thing. But staying focused is something I can do. If I know some one's watching, I won't let myself get side tracked.
So, today when I arrived at The Vault, there were eyes.
And they were watching.

(Yeah, I know. Sort of creepy.)
Every time I looked up those eyes were staring me, reminding me...stay on task!
And I did!
Hee hee hee...
They are, once again, staring at me.
Whoops...perhaps I'm feeling the stare even more because I'm on blogger and haven't started working. Better get to it (after I check facebook).
dont worry about them until they wink at you. then run
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