Yeah, yeah. I know it's already three days in, but 3 is my favorite number and therefore I believe a great day to start CRACK YOUR W-I-P all March long.
For the most part, we are all in some stage or another with our W-I-Ps; outlining, rough draft, revision, maybe even submission. Whatever that stage of work is for you, I hope you'll join me (as you've already been) and crack it here during the month of March.
Some of you may remember the wonderful month of June 2009 when the lovely Holly Cupala and I put on the Summer Revision Smackdown. Well, I guess whip cracking has been ongoing theme here at Cuppa. So...here we go again.
But this time very informal.
Let's crack our writerly whips and get our works-in-progress where we want them to be by March 31. Leave your CRACK YOUR W-I-P goal in the comments.
And feel free to state your goals for today...we'll keep cheering each other on (seems it's producing a lot of work!).
**This just in: The sweet Jane Makuch has just said she will send each person who meets their goal a bag of red licorice whips! Wowza. Make sure your goal is whip worthy!
All right. My goal for my WIP: four chapters.
Sheesh - that first comment was supposed to be left on a different post. Man!
Crack my WIP goal:
21,000 words
I think that is doable, but I'll have to work at it. I'd like to say finish the wip completely, but that's hard to judge.
Today, friends, I shoot for 2 K.
I'm in! My goal: finish this draft. That means about 25K more words to write.
My dad once bought a leather whip to give my cousin for Christmas and before he mailed it out, I went outside and whipped it around, a-la Indiana Jones. I got hit in the face.
Amber - that's why we recommend licorice whips here at Cuppa. If they hit you in the face, you can just catch it with your mouth and enjoy its sweetness.
We're on a similar path. You now inspire me to shoot for 25K. Let's do it! (she says as she procrastinates royally!)
Finish the fourth draft of at least the next five chapters of my W-I-P. Oh, I'm behind already.
My WIP goal is also to finish my first draft, (11,000 more words) and have a synopsis and log line.
I'll "sweeten" things and send a bag of red licorice whips to each of you who accomplishes your goal!
SWEET LICORICE, JANE! That's quite an offer.
"Will work for licorice!"
My goal: to finish the final re-write of my ending and to start querying. *fingers crossed* :-)
Perfect timing! I just started my first readthrough of my WIP last night. My goal is to have the first round of revisions done by March 31.
Oh boy. Fun fun fun! I need this. I am trying to do my own NaNoMarchMo this month and I have 40K left to go... I am forcing myself to finish this new rough draft before I begin another revision on my numero uno, center-of-my-heart book. It is very challenging, to say the least. Because the other book keeps rising up, asking for my attention! So! My goal is to finish the rough draft of WIP 2, and have the Revision Goals laid out for WIP 1. Impossible? You be the judge...
Hi Jolie! I'm in! My goal is to finish a draft of my w.i.p. by the end of March. We must be in sync! I just put up a sign-up widget for mini-March NaNo if you want to play. I linked here too.
Good luck, everyone!!
Goal: 15,000 more words on my new ms by March 31. Thanks for the motivation, Jolie!
Shannon - no need to cross fingers, you're going to do it! :)
Belle - Hope you'll check out some of the SRS post from last June. There's revision gold in there.
Molly - You are a brave one. I'm beginning to see you are a real go-getter. Love that! Not impossible. Hard...yes, but not impossible. Set your mind to it and it will be done.
Laini - You know I'll play. Love being in sync with you.
Stasia - I have no doubt you'll hit 15K.
Hope you'll all keep visiting so we can help each other through the hard parts and cheer on any successes. PLEASE share the wins you have this month. Those keep us all going.
Jolie, can I PLEASE join you all? I SO need this! I want to finish my MG work-in-progress by the end of March. I'm looking to add approx. 12-15K words. But I am a BIG TIME procrastinator . . . *Sigh* And I really want to start querying agents by May! Wish me luck! :)
Crystal - YES AND YES AND YES! Plus a big, PLEASE DO. I'm thrilled to have you join us. The more support the better. And I wish you the biggest and best luck. You can so do it!
I'm jumping in late, if that's okay. I want to finish my second draft this month. I'm not sure what the word count would be, but it's going to be a lot of work.
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