Guess where I am today???

Yup. The Under Town. (You can read about my last experience HERE.) Except I'm not sitting there, next to the loose brick. Although I want to be. People (how dare they) are sitting my table. Oh, wait...there's movement. I shall move myself next to the brick once more.
Now, the question is, should I put something behind there? Hmm...
Okay, we must also work, yes? What do you have in store today (I'll also accept behind-the-brick ideas).
Oh boy! The return of the brick! I can't wait to see what adventures lay in store. Whoever removes that brick has a rather intrepid, courageous, pioneer streak, don't you think? What about finding a quote that celebrates that trailblazing spirit? Stick it back there to make the next person brave enough to move the brick feel good. : )
What an awesome place to write. It makes my office look so boring by comparison. Definitely put a quote behind the brick. You have to. Now, I will resume my revising. Have an excellent weekend!
Hi, Jolie. Did my 800 words this morning. My motto: Don't think! Just write!
Oooh, good motto! Wish I was in writing mode - there's some simmering going on...
Ooh, the brick. I shall always have fond memories of that brick. That was the day I "broke through" a writing funk and started producing words again.
I forgot that spring break start the natives are at home. His morning was spent getting a passport renewed and then a nice lunch. Will get my coffee, and then, I 'll borrow Martha's motto.
...spring break starts
...this morning.
Martha - Thanks for that motto. It's helped today!
Holly - Ooh...simmering. :)
Yat-Yee - Hate it when spring break sneaks up on ya like that. But so glad you have nice memories of the brick.
So, I really think something else is back there now (behind the brick). But it's been BUSY in this place and I haven't quite had the guts to pull the brick this time. Maybe that will change. OR I'll come back with a planned plant.
I haven't made any WIP progress but I did get 1400 words off of and out of my mind. Thanks to a dear friend for giving me permission to put those words down today. Now, maybe a I can make a little dnet on the wip.
All right, I am starting to feel guilty parking my impressionable young' uns in front of the idiot box much longer. Maybe I'll try to write more tonight.
Yesterday's word count: 189 words
Today's so far: 780
Good luck to the rest of you. Tell us more about that brick.
I'm just reading 1984. Putting things behind bricks caused Winston Smith a lot of trouble. But stories love trouble - so I'm shouting with Martha: do it, girl!
What a cool place to write! In the words of the great Liz Lemmon, "I want to go to there!"
The kids are home for spring break and sick so my word count was low this weekend. Only 1300.
But there's always today, right????
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