If you want all the deets about the upcoming SCBWI winter conference, now's the time to check it out and to start making your plans. The schedule, and all other pertinent info, is posted right HERE for you perusal (a perfect pairing with your morning cuppa!).
Brochures will hit your mailboxes soon, but take note of the registration date above (October 28th at 10 AM PST). I hope you'll put it on your calendar, and set your alarm, so that you can have your fingers positioned above the keyboard to get the registration done in time to not miss a thing! Do it now if you like, I'll wait...
I'm your friend, yes? And I wouldn't steer you wrong. The main conference (Saturday and Sunday) is preceded by a day of intensives that are NOT to be missed. I can tell you, from experience, that the intensive are so worth it BUT the spots get gobbled up. * So, if you plan to be part of the writer or illustrator intensives, then be ready to jump on registration (which will mean I'll see YOU there!).
What's more?
SCBWI Team Blog, that's what! We'll be hard at work, once again, and we can't wait to bring the SCBWI community live blog posts and tweets from the conference floor (plus provide you special insider goodies). *happy cuppa*
Back with great-blogger strength are: Alice Pope, Jaime Temarik, Lee Wind, Suzanne Young, and ME. Go, Team Blog.
Follow their blogs and then follow them on twitter... @alicepope, @jaimetem, @leewind, @suzanne_young, and you can find me at @cuppajolie, so you don't miss a thing.
So, did you check it out already? I hope so, 'cause if not, I'm going to spill some beans. Like the fact that Libby Bray (Libby Freakin' Bray, friends!) is keynoting! You've got to go just for that reason alone! It will be both great and terrible, right? Great if your there, terrible if you miss it. (sorry, couldn't help myself) Who else? My agent, that's who. The super fab Rosemary Stimola. Yay! Plus, so MANY more: much more than you will see on the faculty list, because so many editors, publishers, art directors, etc. are there since we'll be on their turf. That's part of the specialness of a conference in NYC. Love it!
*A note about the intensive: They really are a great opportunity. You may have the same reaction I did two years ago when I attended. Whoa! An extra $175-$225. That's a lot of moola. But when I said those words to my hubby, he said, "Hey, you're going to be there. You should do it. Don't pass up the opportunity." And even though the $dollars$ were a tight, I did. That particular intensive kicked off my journey, no doubt. But I will say, especially for writers, the key is to have a submission-ready piece to share.
Yippee!! I'm SO glad you guys are going to be there! The SCBWI Team Blog rocks!
I haven't decided about the intensive yet. I had a great experience last year, though.
omg jet blue has a $200 round-trip (or, like 212) ticket from Seattle. VERY tempted! Anyone need roomate?
I would love to make this conference. I've been to the L.A. SCBWI conference several times, but now that I'm on the east coast, maybe . . .
Looking forward to the conference and the SCBWI Team Blog.
Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
The Golden Pathway Story book Blog
Donna M. McDine’s Website
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