It's all...
Visual evidence:

We've been working on our office, attempting to make it a cozy place to work. But there's been some shredding going on. It only took one ring of the doorbell and the need to go get something from the garage for Luna to make her way into the office to work on her own personal art project (or contribution to the office clean-up).
However the above title doesn't work any longer, because now I do have to work at home, and somehow make it productive, regardless of all the interruptions.
Here's my latest interruption...
Blogging about my interruptions (updates included). Here's a pic of Luna outside my office doors looking oh-so pitiful!

ugh! i work form home and you are right.
Ha! Oh, how could you be mad at that sweet little thing? Not me. I'd be powerless to resist.
I so relate. One of our dogs chewed up my daughter's conference slip a few years ago. The principal started laughing when she overheard me explaining to the school secretary that my dog at my conference slip. Gah!
There is nothing on my office floor anymore because Winston considers any loose paper fair game for his editorial comments, which look a lot like Luna's art projects.
That sure looks familiar. Working at home is wonderful, except when it's not. And I think it's not a lot.
You sure got a cute pup though. That makes everything better.
I completely agree! Whenever I work from home, I get NOTHING accomplished. Yet, I still keep trying. Sigh, I can't wait until the way I get it.
I'm so glad so many of you understand. I am fortunate to be able (during the school year) to get out of the house and work. It really makes a difference (although all those lattes and soup, etc. start to add up).
The office is slowly coming together and you can see from the picture that I can close the doors and still see out (if the pup remains nearby) but hopefully we'll have everything off the floor soon and maybe she'll come in and keep me company. :)
Hey Jolie, I've found that the ONLY way for me to get any work done at home around Linus, is to take him for an exhausting walk first thing in the morning. If I wear him out enough than he snoozes most of the day and I get to write.
The key is not to tire yourself out. I don't know about your pup, but mine is ball-obsessed so he'll chase it until he drops, saving my energy. The dog park is even better because he'll wrestle with other dogs for a good hour and barely move after that. In the late afternoons/early evenings, I take him for a short jaunt, just around the block or chuck a few balls so he'll sleep through the night. Before I did this I barely could write a few words without him destroying something or wanting attention constantly or you name it. Just wearing him out has transformed him into much less of a maniac. Sort of!
You probably know all this and much more but it revolutionized my writing day!
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