Okay, this whole sunshiny-ness may not be a big deal to some of you (in fact many of you may get it all year long) but for us here in the Northwest, we are having a summer like never before. It's so very lovely. Like, I need my sunglasses on a daily basis. See, typically, summer doesn't start for us until after July 4th and then it's spotty, at best. We so deserve this summer. So for those of you in the PNW...way to go on meeting your writing goals (or producing at all). If you are at all like me, it's been a challenge to not be out under that golden warmth all day long.
But now, it's accountability time! How are you doing with your July goals? Tell us how you did this week. Share it all...the sunny, the cloudy, and even the gloomy reports.
This week I revised a picture book. I actually wrote two separate versions and the one that seemed like it would work in my head did not! AT ALL! Once again, another reminder that the actual work of writing comes with butt in chair and hands on the keyboard. Alas, though, no progress on novel revisions.
I revised my first 6 pages, sent them to a dear friend for feedback, revised again, and then touched went over it again for a total of 3 times = 18 pages - ha ha. :) Also wrote 1K this week too, which i think is pretty good considering hubby was away, and had my 4 yo and a FT job allll to myself...:)
Yesterday I revised the first two chapters of my WIP (again). I had a bizarre dream and it inspired me to try writing it in 3rd person, not 1rst. I think I'm liking it!!!!
Hope you enjoy your sun!
My husband dared me to write a completely new pb story in time for last Wednesday's Spoonfuls of Stories contest deadline. I did and I even wrote it in iambic pentameter!
Just joking- it rhymed a little. That's all.
Anyway, I'm happy I stepped up to his challenge and now we're off to enjoy some Pac Northwest sun and camp near Sisters, Or. Enjoy your weekends!
I've been clipping along. This week I revised and cleaned up 2 drawings for my dummy work-in-progress. That's the second of three of my july goals finished. One goal left to finish before I go on vacation next week.
This week is great! I painted two pictures and wrote well over 4K words, although not sure the exact count right now. Woo!
I finally decided on an idea to develop into my next YA novel. I came up with a research/development plan and did my first plot brainstorming session. I'm excited!
This week arrived home from ALA weekend in Chicago Monday and was too wiped put to write. Caught up on office work Tues and blogged about ALA -- recalling wonderful librarians, spending the day with editors and fellow authors, partying at Egmont Cocktail party and Newbery-Caldecott-Wilder banquet. So I mostly played catch-up, journaled and wrote about writing. I did, however, brainstorm a new book idea for some future time, and drafted a few speeches for the book launch. In short -- did just about everything But revise -- so perhaps deserve to be licorice whipped?
It's HOT down here in Ashland!
Too hot to write--or revise, right?
The only thing that can be done is swimming. And swimming. And swimming some more.
Oh, and wait. I'm waiting to hear about two different manuscripts.
Good job, everybody!!!
Is anyone going to the PNWA Conference in Seattle in August?
checking in for the first time this month after stating my goals.
i succumbed to vacation, and though i stuffed my satchel with art supplies and writing things, i opened it only to retrieve my mystery novel.
but the month is not over, so hopefully i will catch up to my goals this coming week.
Nearing the end of revisions....YAY!
I finished the draft of my YA novel today. I did a little celebratory dance on the deck! (I write on the deck, so I can enjoy the weather AND get my work done).
This is the novel I created from a screenplay. It's an ugly draft, but it has possibility.
I took a ferry. And car. And train. And bus. And back again... by myself! Big boy.
I had some amazing critiques and figured out my story spine!
I'm sorta back to the drawing board in a really excellent way. I've been given an assignment to do a scene-by-scene outline to combat my perfectionism. In other words, I think I've figured out what my story is really about. Huge progress for me. It changes everything. Great to see you all again. Amazing how much work is getting done around here. seems like a lot of people are finishing their revisions and stuff. Bravo!
Hey Jolie, will you email me at bwatson23@hotmail.com? I only stopped in pt briefly, and then headed home early. I'll be back soon. Email me and I'll explain why I broke our coffee party.
I've finished the revision of my book on writing - now ready to send to my agent! Goal 1, ticked off the list. My other projects have now been thrown into disarray but rather nicely, as I've just been chosen to ghost some chick-lit! So the YA novel I was going to revise will have to take a back seat, and as for the plotting I was going to do on the adult novel...
Way to go, everyone! It's inspiring to hear the great progress everyone is making. And I need it!
I'm trying to wrap up my revision. I've had days where I feel like I'm traveling through mud. There's also that sense of beleiving something will take less time than it actually does. I'm sort of in the state of "little kid in the back seat of a car!" ARE WE THERE YET!?!
Do you ever feel that one tweak here creates another that needs to be made there?
BEN! Bummer. I'll try not to feel stood up! ;)I'll be in touch.
No goals due to life interuptus this month.
Great blog!
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