Wanna work together?
I'll be checking in on my progress in the comments. If you care to join me as to not feel oh-so-writerly lonely, I'll cheer on your day's writing goals. :)
What's up with me and mine today? Well, the last couple of days I've really be diving into character, getting in and digging around to know as much as I can know.
I'm looking to have at least 1000 new words today. Should be doable.
How 'bout you?
I owe my agent a synopsis for a romance I'm working on...TOMORROW! Not so very easy with a sick kid and a client who had an emergency this week. Blerg. Good luck, me!
I'll join you, virtually. As soon as the kid is down for a nap, I'll be writing away.
I'm sending mental "writing fairies" to both you Jolie, and to you Martha!
My goal for today is 2,000 words, just about half way there and was ready to stop and read. Now I'm recharged thanks to you two!
I'm in -- will make this my promise to get offline for the next hour, finish this synopsis and get stuck into the next thing. Just need to refill this coffee, though...
I just dropped M. off at preschool so I'm in a coffeeshop working, too! Or I will be, in a minute. Yesterday I got distracted with conference stuff, but today it's all manuscript. We can work together!
Martha, Amber, Jane, Francesca, and Kim -
Thanks so much for joining. There's just something that makes it so much easier (at least for me) when others are around (even virtually) to help light that fire.
I finished my new morning writing session, and I was happy to see 600 new words. I hope I can get in another 400 today. Alas, now I need to face my day job with lots of grading. My son's jazz jam session and other motherly activities will take up most of my evening, so I may not see my manuscript again until tonight. Thank you for the company!
Thank you, Michele! And I'm impressed. You've already got 600. (I need to get cracking.) I'm sure you'll make that final 400.
How's everyone doing? Hopefully working faster than me. I'm at about 325 but my growling stomach is insisting on lunch.
When I return, I vow to not let the search for a specific bicycle slow me down a second more (I can find it later).
I'm up to 2,000 words on the synopsis. Sloppy, but coming along. I'm hoping to get it to 3,000 or so.
Thanks for the good wishes, everyone. GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!
Impressive, Martha!
This peanut butter chocolate chip cookie has helped me get to 650. I'll go get that coffee refill and add 350 more to make goal.
Hope everyone else is chugging along to success.
Ahhh, all this cracking of the whip! Does my heart good. I'm jealous, being entrenched in the biz side of it today - keep cracking!
Holly - don't be jealous, just join. Whips must be cracked on the biz side of things too! (maybe tomorrow?)
Hope everyone is doing well. I just hit 1200 and the school day is coming to a close (always too fast).
Let us all know how you did. :)
Anyone want to get together again tomorrow?
I reached my 2,000 words today and love each and every one of them. I'm glad to be in such wonderful company and happy you're hitting your goals (or are getting close).
I'll check back in tomorrow, good night ladies!
My day came to a screeching pause when the children came home from school but I finished the synopsis. AND I blogged, which is way too big an event at the moment because I'm not doing it enough. I'm about to have some Girl Scout ice cream from Edy's (has anyone seen that? Thin Mint ICE CREAM) and hooosh children to bed and then a bit more work.
I'd LOVE to come back tomorrow.
Jane - Way to go! Not only 2K but you LOVE them. Jealous...just sayin'. ;)
Francesca - With a screeching pause, sure seems you did awesome. Plus more work after kids are off to dreamland. You're good! Me? I'd get the kids off to bed and be in front of Survivor/Olympics with the Edy's on my lap (You must be east coast. We have Dryers, which I think is the same.)
Well who will keep me company at night? I write from 9pm on. Sigh. I'm still mapping mapping, but I'm feeling Ready Freddy to dig in and go. Most researchy stuff done too. No more procrastinating...although the story is always best right now once the storyboarding and mapping is done and before the writing actually starts. :)
Digging in tonight!
Ah, Vacuum Queen. *sigh* I'm sorry for the lack of late-night support. I'd certainly still cheer you on during the twilight hours. Plus you could always still check in in the morning. :) I'm impressed by those who can write after kids go to bed.
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