Is anyone out there obsessively watching the live blog posts and/or reading the #scbwi09 Twitter posts?
Like...are you getting less done because you're completely distracted?
And a SCBWI LA conference fun fact: There's a voice in the elevator that tells you where you are going. So when the voice says, "Going up!" I try to take it to heart. (Yes, I know I'm a total nerd.)
Kids at home do not allow for obsessive anything!! But I am checking in with the live blog from time to time, and see that I have lots of wondrous late night blog reading to keep me busy! Looks like fun..wish I was there.
uhh, yeah. But i've had to restrain myself by going to the library and other means of avoiding checking what's new at the conference every few minutes.
Yeah, I'm checking the blog obsessively. It is very well done and really gives the flavor of what is going on.
Wishing I was there!
oh yes, we are watching. Thanks for all the updates!
I've been watching obsessively from New Zealand...The team has been doing an amazing job!
Information. Over. Load. Great job on covering the conference. You rock.
I'm glad you tuned in, all! It was a whole lot of fun.
speaking of regrets (monday moment) i left my laptop at the airport in the security crazyness. so i missed the whole live blogging experience, which makes me sad. i would have been ALL over it.
of course i read everything after i got my laptop back! great job, wunderkind. and congratulations on memeber of the year. what an amazing honor — totally deserved.
and that grey dress you were wearing monday with the ruffles was the cutest dress i think i've ever seen.
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